Aplus Framework Docs

in package

Class Field.

Table of Contents

$catalog  : string
$charsetnr  : int
$db  : string
$decimals  : int
$def  : string
$flagAutoIncrement  : bool
$flagBinary  : bool
$flagBlob  : bool
$flagEnum  : bool
$flagGroup  : bool
$flagMultipleKey  : bool
$flagNoDefaultValue  : bool
$flagNotNull  : bool
$flagNum  : bool
$flagOnUpdateNow  : bool
$flagPartKey  : bool
$flagPriKey  : bool
$flags  : int
$flagSet  : bool
$flagTimestamp  : bool
$flagUniqueKey  : bool
$flagUnsigned  : bool
$flagZerofill  : bool
$length  : int
$maxLength  : int
$name  : string
$orgname  : string
$orgtable  : string
$table  : string
$type  : int
$typeName  : string|null
$catalog  : string
$charsetnr  : int
$db  : string
$decimals  : int
$def  : string
$flagAutoIncrement  : bool
$flagBinary  : bool
$flagBlob  : bool
$flagEnum  : bool
$flagGroup  : bool
$flagMultipleKey  : bool
$flagNoDefaultValue  : bool
$flagNotNull  : bool
$flagNum  : bool
$flagOnUpdateNow  : bool
$flagPartKey  : bool
$flagPriKey  : bool
$flags  : int
$flagSet  : bool
$flagTimestamp  : bool
$flagUniqueKey  : bool
$flagUnsigned  : bool
$flagZerofill  : bool
$length  : int
$maxLength  : int
$name  : string
$orgname  : string
$orgtable  : string
$table  : string
$type  : int
$typeName  : string|null
__construct()  : mixed
__get()  : mixed
setFlags()  : void
setTypeName()  : void


$catalog read-only

public string $catalog

$charsetnr read-only

public int $charsetnr

The character set number for the field

$db read-only

public string $db

$decimals read-only

public int $decimals

The number of decimals used (for integer fields)

$def read-only

public string $def

The default value for this field, represented as a string

$flagAutoIncrement read-only

public bool $flagAutoIncrement

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG bit-flag

$flagBinary read-only

public bool $flagBinary

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_BINARY_FLAG bit-flag

$flagBlob read-only

public bool $flagBlob

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_BLOB_FLAG bit-flag

$flagEnum read-only

public bool $flagEnum

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_ENUM_FLAG bit-flag

$flagGroup read-only

public bool $flagGroup

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_GROUP_FLAG bit-flag

$flagMultipleKey read-only

public bool $flagMultipleKey

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG bit-flag

$flagNoDefaultValue read-only

public bool $flagNoDefaultValue

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG bit-flag

$flagNotNull read-only

public bool $flagNotNull

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_NOT_NULL_FLAG bit-flag

$flagNum read-only

public bool $flagNum

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_NUM_FLAG bit-flag

$flagOnUpdateNow read-only

public bool $flagOnUpdateNow

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG bit-flag

$flagPartKey read-only

public bool $flagPartKey

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_PART_KEY_FLAG bit-flag

$flagPriKey read-only

public bool $flagPriKey

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_PRI_KEY_FLAG bit-flag

$flags read-only

public int $flags

An integer representing the bit-flags for the field

$flagSet read-only

public bool $flagSet

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_SET_FLAG bit-flag

$flagTimestamp read-only

public bool $flagTimestamp

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_TIMESTAMP_FLAG bit-flag

$flagUniqueKey read-only

public bool $flagUniqueKey

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG bit-flag

$flagUnsigned read-only

public bool $flagUnsigned

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_UNSIGNED_FLAG bit-flag

$flagZerofill read-only

public bool $flagZerofill

Tell if it has the MYSQLI_ZEROFILL_FLAG bit-flag

$length read-only

public int $length

The width of the field, as specified in the table definition

$maxLength read-only

public int $maxLength

The maximum width of the field for the result set

$name read-only

public string $name

The name of the column

$orgname read-only

public string $orgname

Original column name if an alias was specified

$orgtable read-only

public string $orgtable

Original table name if an alias was specified

$table read-only

public string $table

The name of the table this field belongs to (if not calculated)

$type read-only

public int $type

The data type used for this field

$typeName read-only

public string|null $typeName

The data type name


protected string $catalog


protected int $charsetnr


protected int $decimals


protected bool $flagAutoIncrement = false


protected bool $flagBinary = false


protected bool $flagBlob = false


protected bool $flagEnum = false


protected bool $flagGroup = false


protected bool $flagMultipleKey = false


protected bool $flagNoDefaultValue = false


protected bool $flagNotNull = false


protected bool $flagNum = false


protected bool $flagOnUpdateNow = false


protected bool $flagPartKey = false


protected bool $flagPriKey = false


protected bool $flagSet = false


protected bool $flagTimestamp = false


protected bool $flagUniqueKey = false


protected bool $flagUnsigned = false


protected bool $flagZerofill = false


protected int $length


protected int $maxLength


protected string $name


protected string $orgname


protected string $orgtable


protected string $table


protected string|null $typeName



public __construct(stdClass $field) : mixed
$field : stdClass
Return values


public __get(string $name) : mixed
$name : string
Return values


protected setFlags() : void
Return values


protected setTypeName() : void
Return values

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