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Aplus Framework HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) Library.
The installation of this library can be done with Composer:
composer require aplus/http
With the Request class you can get Object Oriented information about the requested Protocol, URL, Headers and Body.
Create a PHP file (users.php) with the following contents:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Framework\HTTP\Request;
$request = new Request();
Add the following lines to test get Request information:
'method' => $request->getMethod(),
'host' => $request->getHeader('Host'),
'isSecure' => $request->isSecure(),
'isAjax' => $request->isAjax(),
'url' => $request->getUrl()->toString(),
'userAgent' => $request->getUserAgent()->toString(),
Now, lets try a call with Curl:
curl http://localhost:8080/users.php?page=1
Curl will connect to the server with an HTTP Message like this:
GET /users.php?page=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
Accept: */*
In the PHP script, the Request class will be instantiated and the array will be set and dumped.
The Curl response body will be like this:
array(6) {
string(3) "GET"
string(14) "localhost:8080"
string(38) "http://localhost:8080/users.php?page=1"
string(11) "curl/7.68.0"
Secure Request
To make sure that the application will only respond to secure requests, you can force the request to be over HTTPS and also that it is responding only on allowed hosts.
If the request is not secure, we can force a redirect using HTTPS:
$request->forceHttps(); // void
This method checks if the request scheme is HTTPS.
And only if is not, it set headers and status to redirect to the HTTPS version of the URL and terminate the script.
Allowed Hosts
If, for some unknown reason, the virtual host is incorrectly configured on the server, it is possible to prevent unwanted access by whitelisting the allowed hosts.
See this example using nginx:
root /var/www/app/public;
server_name domain.tld api.domain.tld other.tld;
A Company requires only domain.tld and api.domain.tld to work, but one added the other.tld to the list of servernames. Nginx will respond to this host accessing the application public folder.
To prevent that, whitelist the allowed hosts. Set it on the Request constructor:
$allowedHosts = ['domain.tld', 'domain.tld:8088', 'api.domain.tld'];
$request = new Request($allowedHosts);
When a request for an unwanted host is done, an UnexpectedValueException
will thrown, with the message "Invalid Host: other.tld".
With the throwable is possible, for example, to catch the Exception message and log it.
If the $allowedHosts argument is not set, the Request will accept any host.
Content Negotiation
It is also in the request that information is acquired for
Content Negotiation.
Knowing what the HTTP Client accepts, and prioritizes, it is possible to
generate a more complete and featured Response for each user.
The Request class has methods for negotiating content.
In them it is possible to pass the values available by the application.
Let's look at an example negotiating the value of the headers, Content-Type and Content-Language, which can be used in the Response:
$availableTypes = ['text/html', 'application/xml'];
$negotiatedType = $request->negotiateAccept($availableTypes);
$availableLanguages = ['en', 'es', 'pt-br'];
$negotiatedLanguage = $request->negotiateLanguage($availableLanguages); // string
The negotiation takes the Quality Values
from the header in order of priority and returns the first one in the list of
those accepted by the application.
If none of the Quality Values are available in the application, the value
returned is the first of the array of available.
Anyway, it is now possible to set the headers negotiated in the Response:
$response->setHeader('Content-Type', $negotiatedType); // static
$response->setHeader('Content-Language', $negotiatedLanguage); // static
Request with JSON
When working with JSON, has a method to check if the Content-Type
is of JSON
And also, a method to get the JSON data from the Request body:
if ($request->isJson()) {
$data = $request->getJson(); // object or false
Request with Uploads
When the request is done via the POST method and has multipart/form-data
Content-Type, it characterizes the upload of files.
The Request class has methods to work with uploaded files.
The getFile
method returns an UploadedFile
instance or null
$file = $request->getFile('fieldName'); // UploadedFile or null
if ($file && $file->isValid()) {
$filename = 'rand0m' . $file->getExtension();
$filepath = '/var/www/app/uploads/' . $filename;
$moved = $file->move($filepath); // bool
Request with Authorization
To identify the type of authorization received, you can use the getAuthType
method. Which will return null
if there is none, Basic
, Bearer
$request->getAuthType(); // string or null
Using the getBasicAuth
method, we obtain an array containing two keys,
and password
or null:
$request->getBasicAuth(); // array or null
Using the getBearerAuth
method, we obtain an array containing one key,
or null:
$request->getBearerAuth(); // array or null
Using the getDigestAuth
method, an array with 9 keys is obtained:
, realm
, nonce
, uri
, response
, opaque
, nc
and cnonce
$request->getDigestAuth(); // array or null
Request working with REST
The Request class has methods that work very well with REST APIs.
With the getMethod
method, we get the HTTP method used:
$request->getMethod(); // string
With the getGet
method, query parts from the current URL:
$request->getGet(); // array
The getPost
method get data from POST requests.
$request->getPost(); // array
With the getJson
method, the request body data is parsed in JSON, being an
object, array or false if there are syntax errors.
$request->getJson(); // object, array or false
With the getBody
method, the body string of the request is obtained.
$request->getBody(); // string
And with the getParsedBody
method you get parsed body parts, used when the
HTTP method is neither GET nor POST.
$request->getParsedBody(); // array
Request working with Arrays
The getGet
, getPost
, getPut
, getPatch
, getFile
, getEnv
and getServer
methods can get data from arrays
via strings with square brackets.
For example, let's say $_POST
equals the array below:
$_POST = [
'user' => [
'name' => 'John Doe',
'address' => [
'country' => 'Brazil',
'city' => 'Sapiranga',
User data can be obtained as follows:
$name = $request->getPost('user[name]'); // John Doe
$city = $request->getPost('user[address][city]'); // Sapiranga
The HTTP response send the message status, headers and body to a client.
To use the Response class, just instantiate it:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Framework\HTTP\Request;
use Framework\HTTP\Response;
$request = new Request();
$response = new Response($request);
Response Status
Response status can be set with the setStatusCode
, setStatusReason
methods using the status number or the value of a constant of
the Status class:
use Framework\HTTP\Status;
$response->setStatus(401); // static
$response->setStatus(Status::UNAUTHORIZED); // static
Response Headers
Headers can be set using the setHeader
method, using a string in the first
parameter with the name of the header and in the second the value.
Also, you can use constants from the ResponseHeader class:
use Framework\HTTP\ResponseHeader;
$response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); // static
$response->setHeader(ResponseHeader::CONTENT_TYPE, 'text/xml'); // static
$response->setContentType('text/xml'); // static
Repeated Header Names
The HTTP response allows some headers to be repeated, such as the X-Robot-Tag header.
See the example below setting the header and appending one more:
$response->setHeader('X-Robots-Tag', 'nofollow')
->appendHeader('X-Robots-Tag', 'googlebot: noindex')
Then the response will send multiple headers with the same name:
X-Robots-Tag: nofollow
X-Robots-Tag: googlebot: noindex
If you need to replace the headers, call the setReplaceHeaders
method before
sending the response:
$response->setHeader('X-Robots-Tag', 'nofollow')
->appendHeader('X-Robots-Tag', 'googlebot: noindex')
Then the headers will be replaced. And only the last one is sent in the response:
X-Robots-Tag: googlebot: noindex
Response Body
Each time you call the getBody
method the buffer will be appended to the
body. This is so that, for example, echo
can be used.
Also, you can use the setBody
Let's see an example manipulating the body of the Response:
echo 'Oi!';
$body = $response->getBody(); // Oi!
$body = $response->getBody(); // Hi!
echo ' What is your name';
$body = $response->getBody(); // Hi! What is your name
$body = $response->getBody(); // Hi! What is your name???
$response->setBody(['name' => 'A Framework']);
$body = $response->getBody(); // name=A+Framework
Response with JSON
A response containing JSON can be set as:
$users = [
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'Adam',
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'Eve',
$response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // static
$response->setBody(json_encode($users)); // static
or simply:
$response->setJson($users); // static
Response with HTML
HTML, and any other Content-Type, can be set with the
$contents = '<h1>Hello, Aplus!</h1>';
$contents = '<p>I am so happy to meet you.</p>';
If the Content-Type header is not set, it is automatically set to
text/html; charset=UTF-8
when the Response is sent.
Response with Download
To send a file as a download in the response, you can call:
$response->setDownload('filepath.pdf'); // static
With the second parameter set to true the content disposition is inline
causing the browser to open the file in the window.
$response->setDownload('filepath.pdf', inline: true); // static
The third parameter makes it possible to continue downloads or start downloading a video at a certain time.
$response->setDownload('filepath.pdf', true, acceptRanges: true); // static
Sending the Response
Now that you've seen how to set the Response status, headers and body, it's time to see how to send the response to the User-Agent:
$response->send(); // void
The send
method must be called only once, otherwise it will throw an exception.
Calling the send
method is the last step of the HTTP response. After that,
nothing else should come out to the PHP Output Buffer. But, your script can
continue to run normally if necessary.
Response Cache
Response has methods to simplify the caching process in the browser.
You can use the Cache-Control header to enable the cache for a certain time or negotiate the response through the ETag header:
To set the Cache-Control
header, you can use the setCache
method passing
the number of seconds in the first parameter and in the second pass true for it
to be public or false to be private, which is the default .
$response->setCache(60); // static
To not save anything in the cache, use the setNoCache
$response->setNoCache(); // static
Through the ETag header it is possible to make the User-Agent cache the contents of the response body by an identifier. This will cause the response to contain a 304 Not Modified status and the message body to be empty, saving data to be transferred.
Likewise, it will avoid mid-air collisions on requests other than the GET or HEAD method:
$response->setAutoEtag(); // static
The library has a class for working with URLs. See how it works:
use Framework\HTTP\URL;
$url = new URL('http://domain.tld:8080/slug?page=1#heading');
echo $url->getScheme(); // http
echo $url->getHost(); // domain.tld:8080
echo $url->getHostname(); // domain.tld
echo $url->getPort(); // 8080
echo $url->getHost(); // foo-bar.com:8080
echo $url->getHost(); // foo-bar.com
echo $url->getPath(); // /slug
echo $url->getQuery(); // page=1
echo $url->getFragment(); // heading
The HTTP library has a class to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) using the Synchronizer Token Pattern.
We will see below how AntiCSRF works.
We have a file called header.php that will be required by other files because it loads the autoload file, starts the session and instantiates the Request and AntiCSRF objects:
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Framework\HTTP\AntiCSRF;
use Framework\HTTP\Request;
$request = new Request();
$antiCsrf = new AntiCSRF($request);
In this example, we have a form in the form.php file. In which there is a
call to the $antiCsrf
variable that returns the field with the token saved
in the session.
The form action takes you to the save.php file using the POST method:
require __DIR__ . '/header.php';
<form action="save.php" method="post">
<?= $antiCsrf->input() ?>
<input name="name"/>
<textarea name="message"></textarea>
Finally, we have the save.php file, where the verification of the token received in the form is performed. If it is invalid, the script will terminate showing that the request is invalid. If valid, it will show that the form message can be saved.
require __DIR__ . '/header.php';
if (!$request->isPost() || !$antiCsrf->verify()) {
exit ('Request is invalid.');
echo 'OK. Anti-CSRF is valid. You can save the message!';
Note that in this example we validated only the field with the anti-CSRF token and did not validate the other fields. Which can be validated using the Validation Library.
Content Security Policy
The Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header helps you reduce XSS risks on modern browsers by declaring which dynamic resources are allowed to load.
You can get more information on these pages:
CSP classes can be instantiated as in the following example.
Several directives can be passed in object construction or through the
use Framework\HTTP\CSP;
$directives = [
'default-src' => [
'style-src' => [
$csp = new CSP($directives);
Values for a single directive can be passed with the setDirective
$csp->setDirective(CSP::defaultSrc, [
Methods that start with set
override directive values. To just add new values,
use the addValue
$csp->addValue(CSP::styleSrc, [
CSP Nonces
By default, when the value is self
, the contents of the style
tags do not execute.
To make them run, it is possible to add the nonce
attribute to the tags, which
have a unique value generated at each page load.
Let's see the following examples:
The dynamic code below written with PHP:
<script<?= $csp->getScriptNonceAttr() ?>>
// ...
Will render HTML similar to the following example:
<script nonce="2aca99c7ee6e0884">
// ...
So, it is also possible to add the nonce
attribute in the style
<style<?= $csp->getStyleNonceAttr() ?>>
// ...
Which renders similar to the example below:
<style nonce="ccd8147d8a8e275c">
// ...
Using the nonce attribute is a very practical way, however, as the nonce values are unique per request, it is impossible to cache the page in browsers.
CSP Hashes
To cache the page in browsers, such as by ETag, we can use hashes of the
contents of the script
and style
Let's look at the following HTML page:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>CSP Test</title>
body {
background: cyan;
// it is a comment
In order to get all the hashes of the style
tags we can pass the content of
the HTML page in the getStyleHashes
method and it will return an array with
all the hashes.
And then we can add them in the style-src
directive via the addValues
$styleHashes = CSP::getStyleHashes($html);
$csp->addValue(CSP::styleSrc, $styleHashes);
The CSP header will look like the following:
Content-Security-Policy: style-src 'sha256-CvbCUHrSwRhSRk6O3h7eTuSY9r3oKFudXNGTM/oLBI8=';
Similarly, we can get the hashes of the script
tags and add them via the
$scriptHashes = CSP::getScriptHashes($html);
$csp->addValue(CSP::scriptSrc, $scriptHashes);
The CSP header will look similar to the following example:
Content-Security-Policy: style-src 'sha256-CvbCUHrSwRhSRk6O3h7eTuSY9r3oKFudXNGTM/oLBI8='; script-src 'sha256-IfEVrz7Me6SW7O7OHy04/VaUhErMLxjWHdJd8MYN5b0=' 'sha256-0TppQmjw9at2nEl3givShY5l6nABmQ84qrh1dRgvMJ0=';
CSP in Response
An object of the CSP class can be set to an object of the Framework\HTTP\Response
class and then it will be sent with the response via the send
$csp = new CSP([
CSP::defaultSrc => [
CSP::styleSrc => [
CSP::scriptSrc => [
$response = new Framework\HTTP\Response;
Only if you're sure the page doesn't have any malicious scripts, get the hashes from the response body and add them to the CSP object:
$scriptHashes = CSP::getScriptHashes($response->getBody());
$csp->addValue(CSP::scriptSrc, $scriptHashes);
Then the response can be sent:
CSP in a Meta Tag
Another way to define the Content-Security-Policy is through an HTML meta tag. See the example below:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="<?= $csp ?>">
Aplus HTTP Library is an easy-to-use tool for, beginners and experienced, PHP developers.
It is perfect for building, simple and full-featured, HTTP interactions.
The more you use it, the more you will learn.