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Aplus Framework Image Library.
- Installation
- Instantiating a new Image
- Getting Image Information
- Setting new Properties
- Image Manipulation
- Rendering Methods
- Conclusion
The installation of this library can be done with Composer:
composer require aplus/image
Instantiating a new Image
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Framework\Image\Image;
$filename = __DIR__ . '/tree.png';
$image = new Image($filename);
Detecting if a file is Acceptable
Indicates if a given file has an acceptable (PNG, JPEG or GIF) image type.
$isAcceptable = Image::isAcceptable($filename); // bool
Getting Image Information
Get Width
Gets the image width.
$width = $image->getWidth(); // int
Get Height
Gets the image height.
$height = $image->getHeight(); // int
Get Resolution
Gets the image resolution.
$resolution = $image->getResolution(); // array of integers
The $resolution value will be an array like the following:
'horizontal' => 300,
'vertical' => 300,
Get Quality
Gets the image quality/compression level.
$quality = $image->getQuality(); // int or null
- Returns an integer for PNG and JPEG types or null for GIF.
Get MIME Type
Gets the image MIME type.
$mime = $image->getMime(); // string
- Returns a string with the MIME type (e.g. image/png).
Get Extension
Gets a file extension based in the image type.
$extension = $image->getExtension(); // string or false
- Returns a string with the extension (e.g. .png) or false on fail.
Get GdImage
Gets the image GD instance.
$gdImage = $image->getInstance(); // GdImage
Setting new Properties
Set Quality
Sets the image quality/compression level.
$image->setQuality(8); // static
- The quality value must not be set on GIF images.
- PNG images must have a value between 0 and 9.
- JPEG images must have a value between 0 and 100.
Set Resolution
Sets the image resolution.
$horizontal = 96;
$vertical = 96;
$image->setResolution($horizontal, $vertical); // static
- The resolution values are in DPI. Default is set 96 to both.
Set GdImage
Sets the image GD instance.
$gdImage = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
$image->setInstance($gdImage); // static
Image Manipulation
The Image class has methods to Crop, Filter, Flatten, Flip, Rotate, Scale and add Watermark.
The image below is the original used for our demonstration. It is a PNG file, with transparent background.

Crops the image.
$width = 200;
$height = 200;
$marginLeft = 100;
$marginTop = 100;
$image->crop($width, $height, $marginLeft, $marginTop); // static
- Argument value sizes are in pixels.
- If a margin is negative or larger than the canvas, it will add extra space to the image size.
The cropped image will be like the following:

Applies a filter to the image.
$image->filter(IMG_FILTER_NEGATE); // static
- The first param is an
image filter constant. - The second param is an spread of image filter arguments.
The filtered image will be like the following:

Flattens the image.
Replaces transparency with an RGB color.
$red = 128;
$green = 0;
$blue = 128;
$image->flatten($red, $green, $blue); // static
The flattened image will be like the following:

Flips the image.
$direction = 'horizontal';
$image->flip($direction); // static
The allowed $direction values are:
to horizontal flip. -
to vertical flip. -
to both, horizontal and vertical, flip.
The flipped image will be like the following:

Rotates the image with a given angle.
$angle = 45;
$image->rotate($angle); // static
- The rotation angle is in degrees. Clockwise direction.
The rotated image will be like the following:

Scales the image.
$width = 80;
$height = -1;
$image->scale($width, $height); // static
- Width and height sizes are in pixels.
Height can be
to be automatically proportional to the width.
The scaled image will be like the following:

Adds a watermark to the image.
$watermark = new Image($filename);
$horizontalPosition = -10;
$verticalPosition = -10;
); // static
- Watermark must be an Image instance.
- Horizontal position direction is left-to-right when the value is positive, otherwise is right-to-left.
- Vertical position direction is top-to-bottom when the value is positive, otherwise is bottom-to-top.
The watermarked image will be like the following:

Rendering Methods
When necessary, it is possible to send the Image contents directly to the PHP Output Buffer, to the User-Agent, to the browser...
$image->send(); // bool
To save the Image contents in a file, use the save
$image->save($filename); // bool
The $filename argument is optional.
The default $filename value is null
, which indicates to save the contents in
the original file set in the constructor.
When need to set the Image contents in a variable, use the render
$contents = $image->render(); // string
Get Data URL
It is possible embed the Image contents in a document with the Data URL format.
$dataUrl = $image->getDataUrl(); // string
The $dataUrl value will be like:
Where ... is the base64 encoded binary image contents.
JSON Serialize
The Image class implements the JsonSerializable interface.
When an Image object is inside a value to be JSON encoded, it is transformed in a Data URL string:
$data = [
'id' => 1,
'src' => $image,
$json = json_encode($data);
The JSON pretty print string will be like this:
"id": 1,
"src": "data:image/png;base64,..."
To String
The Image class implements the Stringable interface.
When an Image object is converted to string, it is transformed to the Data URL format:
$dataUrl = (string) $image;
The $dataUrl value will be like:
Usage with HTML
<img src="<?= $image ?>">
Aplus Image Library is an, easy to use, tool for PHP, beginners and experienced, developers.
It is perfect for manipulation of, simple and full-featured, images.
The more you use it, the more you will learn.