Aplus Framework Docs


Aplus Framework Routing Library

Aplus Framework Routing Library.


The installation of this library can be done with Composer:

composer require aplus/routing


The Routing Library makes it possible to route a URL to a particular class method or Closure, with named routes.

The Router is responsible for handling the various Routes of an application, created in a Route Collection.

Let's look at a complete example of the routing system:

use Framework\HTTP\Request;
use Framework\HTTP\Response;
use Framework\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Framework\Routing\Router;

$request = new Request();
$response = new Response($request);
$router = new Router($response);

// Defines a Route Collection for the "http://domain.tld" origin
$router->serve('http://domain.tld', function (RouteCollection $routes) {
    // Route "/" path to App\Controllers\Home::index method on GET requests
    $routes->get('/', 'App\Controllers\Home::index');
    // Route "/contact" path to App\Controllers\Contact::index method on GET requests
    $routes->get('/contact', 'App\Controllers\Contact::index');
    // Route "/contact" path to App\Controllers\Contact::create method on POST requests
    $routes->post('/contact', 'App\Controllers\Contact::create');

// Match the Route according to HTTP URL and method
$route = $router->match();

// Run the Route, calling a class method or a Closure and return the Response
$response = $route->run();

// Send the HTTP Response


A path can take placeholders to make it dynamic. So that /users/1 is within /users/{int}.

The available placeholders are:

Placeholder Utility
{alpha} Accepts alphabetic characters
{alphanum} Accepts alphanumeric characters
{any} Accepts any characters
{hex} Accepts a hexadecimal string
{int} Accepts a valid integer
{md5} Accepts a md5 hash
{num} Accepts a number
{port} Accepts a valid port number
{scheme} Accepts HTTP or HTTPS scheme
{segment} Accepts a URL path segment
{slug} Accepts a slug
{subdomain} Accepts a subdomain
{title} Accepts a title format string
{uuid} Accepts a UUID

You can also add custom placeholders. Let's look at an example for the {username} placeholder:

$router->addPlaceholder('username', '([a-z\\d](?:[a-z\\d]|-(?=[a-z\\d])){0,16})');


The router delivers route actions which can be a Closure or a instance of the Framework\Routing\RouteActions class.

Let's see how to define a Closure for the path /posts/{int}.

In the first argument it receives an array with the values received in the placeholders.

If the path /posts/25 is accessed, the variable $pathArgs[0] will have the number 25, as a string.

In the $constructorArguments parameters, the instances passed in the run method of the matched Route will be received.


    function(array $pathArgs, mixed ...$constructorArguments) {
        echo 'Post id is: ' . $pathArgs[0];

Actions can also be defined as strings. Following the format below:


The Class must extend the Framework\Routing\RouteActions class and have the action method.

The arguments start with the dollar sign and then have numbers that are separated by slashes after the method name.

The number of arguments starts at zero and can have custom order. These are the arguments that will go to the action class method.

$routes->get('/posts/{int}', 'Posts::show/$0');

Let's see an example creating the Posts class, which will have the show method, which will receive two arguments. In the first will be the value of placeholder {int} and in the second will be the value of {slug}:

$routes->get('/categories/{slug}/posts/{int}/', 'Posts::show/$1/$0');

Let's see the class that serves this route:

use Framework\Routing\RouteActions;

class Posts extends RouteActions
    protected array $constructorArguments;

    public function __constructor(mixed ...$constructorArguments)
        $this->constructorArguments = $constructorArguments;

    public function show(int $id, string $category)
        echo 'Category slug is: ' . $category;
        echo 'Post id is: ' . $id;

If you do not want to pass the arguments through numbers, with a defined order, you can use the asterisk character to indicate that all placeholder values must go to the method in the order they are received:

$routes->get('/categories/{slug}/posts/{int}/', 'Posts::show/*');

Note that the show method will receive {slug} in the first argument and {int} in the second:

@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
     class Posts extends RouteActions
-       public function show(int $id, string $category)
+       public function show(string $category, int $id)
            echo 'Category slug is: ' . $category;
            echo 'Post id is: ' . $id;

To avoid passing arguments to action methods, just do not add the suffix of slashes with numbers or the asterisk:

$routes->get('/categories/{slug}/posts/{int}/', 'Posts::show');

Route Collection

The RouteCollection has several methods for creating Routes.

Most receive the name of the HTTP method to which the Route is assigned.

For example, the HTTP GET method has the get method. The POST, post, etc.

Let's see below an example in which the routing will only receive URLs that start with the origin http://domain.tld and in it, will have a collection of routes for the various HTTP verbs.

In the third parameter of the serve method, an argument with the name of the collection is accepted, which will be prefixed to the name of the routes:

$router->serve('http://domain.tld', function (RouteCollection $routes) {

    // Named route "collection-name.home"
    $routes->get('/', 'App\Controllers\Home::index', 'home');
    // Route with Closure instead of class method, and "collection-name.test" as name
    $routes->get('/test', function () {
        return 'Hello world!';
    }, 'test');

    // Different HTTP Methods using placeholders
    $routes->get('/user', 'App\Users::index');
    $routes->post('/user', 'App\Users::create');
    $routes->get('/user/{int}', 'App\Users::show/$0');
    $routes->patch('/user/{username}', 'App\Users::update/$0');
    $routes->put('/user/{int}', [\App\Users::class, 'replace']);
    $routes->delete('/user/{int}', 'App\Users::delete/*');

}, 'collection-name');


Through the resource method it is possible to create several routes at once.

They are meant to be used in a REST API.

Let's see the example below, which serves the path /users and delivers the requests to the App\Users class. Since the prefix of the name of the automatic routes is users:

$routes->resource('/users', 'App\Users', 'users');

Which will create 6 routes, as follows:

HTTP Method Path Action Name
GET /users App\Users::index/* users.index
POST /users App\Users::create/* users.create
GET /users/{int} App\Users::show/* users.show
PATCH /users/{int} App\Users::update/* users.update
PUT /users/{int} App\Users::replace/* users.replace
DELETE /users/{int} App\Users::delete/* users.delete

In the fourth parameter of the resource method it is possible to be in an array the routes that should not be added. And they are: index, create, show, update, replace and delete.

In the fifth parameter, the placeholder to be used is defined, the default being {int}, to be the id of the resource.


Presenters create Routes to be used in a Web Browser User Interface.

It also creates multiple routes at once:

$routes->presenter('/users', 'App\Users', 'users');

The routes are as follows:

HTTP Method Path Action Name
GET /users App\Users::index/* users.index
GET /users/new App\Users::new/* users.new
POST /users App\Users::create/* users.create
GET /users/{int} App\Users::show/* users.show
GET /users/{int}/edit App\Users::edit/* users.edit
POST /users/{int}/update App\Users::update/* users.update
GET /users/{int}/remove App\Users::remove/* users.remove
POST /users/{int}/delete App\Users::delete/* users.delete

In the fourth parameter it is also possible to pass an array with paths to be ignored: index, new, create, show, edit, update, remove and delete.

In the fifth parameter you can also pass the Presenter placeholder, and the default is also {int}.


Sometimes the route path can become repetitive and to simplify route creation is possible to group them with a base path.

$routes->group('/blog', [
    // Route for "/blog/"
    $routes->get('/', 'App\Blog\Posts::index'),
    // Route for "/blog/{title}"
    $routes->get('/{title}', 'App\Blog\Posts::show/$0'),

Grouping works on multiple layers. This also works:

$routes->group('/blog', [
    // Route for "/blog/"
    $routes->get('/', 'App\Blog\Posts::index'),
    $routes->group('/posts', [
        // Route for "/blog/posts/"
        $routes->get('/', 'App\Blog\Posts::index'),
        // Route for "/blog/posts/{title}"


It is possible group route actions with the namespace method:

    // Routes "/user" for App\Controllers\Users::index
    $routes->get('/user', 'Users::index'),
    $routes->namespace('Blog', [
        $routes->group('/blog', [
            // Routes "/blog/posts" for App\Controllers\Blog\Posts::index
            $routes->get('/posts', 'Posts::index'),
            // Routes "/blog/posts/{title}" for App\Controllers\Blog\Posts::show/$0
            $routes->get('/posts/{title}', 'Posts::show/$0'),

Route Not Found

Each RouteCollection can have its own custom Error 404 page.

The action can be a Closure:

$routes->notFound(function () {
    return '<h1>Error 404</h1>';

Or a class method string:



Through routes it is possible to build URLs that point to your RouteCollection:

$route = $router->getNamedRoute('blog');
echo $route->getUrl();

Route Actions

RouteActions is an abstract class that has methods that run after the constructor and before the action method. And also after the action and before the destructor.

Let's see below the use of the beforeAction method that can intercept the action and redirect to the route named access.login:

use Framework\HTTP\Request;
use Framework\HTTP\Response;
use Framework\Routing\RouteActions;
use Framework\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Framework\Routing\Router;

class Admin extends RouteActions
    protected Request $request;
    protected Response $response;
    protected Router $router;

    public function __construct(
        Request $request,
        Response $response,
        Router $router
    ) {
        $this->request = $request;
        $this->response = $response;
        $this->router = $router;

    protected function beforeAction(string $method, array $arguments) : mixed
        if(!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
            return $this->response->redirect(
        return null;
    public function index()
        echo 'Welcome, ' . $_SESSION['username'] . '!' ;

    public function something($arg0, $arg1)
        vard_dump($arg0, $arg1);

$request = new Request();
$response = new Response($request);
$router = new Router($response);

$router->serve(null, function(RouteCollection $routes) {
    $routes->get('admin', 'Admin::index');
    $routes->get('foo/other', 'Admin::something/$1/$0');
    $routes->get('login', 'Access\Login::index', 'access.login');

$route = $router->match();

// Run the Route, passing the Request, Response and Router instances
// to the RouteActions constructor,
// or, if the action is as Closure; to its parameters
$response = $route->run($request, $response, $router);



The router is where the RouteCollections are stored, and it decides which Route will run according to the HTTP Request method and URL.

It is possible to serve several RouteCollections that will respond through an URL Origin.

In the example below, a collection of routes for both http and https as a scheme is served.

Below is a collection for https://api.domain.tld. Note that it will only work for https and has a prefix name for the route name called api, defined in the third parameter:

$router->serve('{scheme}://domain.tld', function (RouteCollection $routes) {
    // Routes ...
})->serve('https://api.domain.tld', function (RouteCollection $routes) {
    // Routes ...
}, 'api');

Default Route Not Found

If a RouteCollection does not have an Error 404 route set, the default router page will be responded. It is customizable.

The route action can be either a Closure or a string:


Named Routes

Routes in a collection can be named for easy route maintenance when a URL changes its path.

Through the Router is possible take Routes by names:

$route = $router->getNamedRoute('api.users.followers');

Note that a RuntimeException will be thrown if the named route does not exist.

Matched Route

After calling the match method, it is possible get the Route with getMatchedRoute:

$route = $router->getMatchedRoute();


The HTTP OPTIONS method serves to show which methods a particular resource makes available. With the routes defined, the server can respond automatically which methods are allowed.


HTTP Allowed Methods

Enable/disable the feature of auto-detect and show HTTP allowed methods via the Allow header when a route with the requested method does not exist.



Aplus Routing Library is an easy-to-use tool for, beginners and experienced, PHP developers.
It is perfect for routing URLs to Closures or class methods very quickly.
The more you use it, the more you will learn.

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