Aplus Framework Docs

HTTP Client

Aplus Framework HTTP Client Library

Aplus Framework HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) Client Library.


The installation of this library can be done with Composer:

composer require aplus/http-client


The HTTP Client library is very simple and powerful which can be used as follows:

use Framework\HTTP\Client\Client;
use Framework\HTTP\Client\Request;

$client = new Client();

$request = new Request('https://domain.tld/profile');
$request->setMethod('POST'); // static
$request->setBasicAuth('johndoe', 'abc123'); // static
$request->setJson(['name' => 'John Doe']); // static

$response = $client->run($request); // Framework\HTTP\Client\Response

echo $response->getStatus();
echo $response->getBody();


To perform the hypertext transfer it is necessary to send a request message.

The HTTP client needs objects of the Request class to connect to a URL address.

The object can be instantiated by passing the URL in the constructor:

use Framework\HTTP\Client\Request;

$request = new Request('http://domain.tld');

Another way is using the createRequest method of the Client class:

$request = $client->createRequest('http://domain.tld');

Request URL

The URL can be changed using the setUrl method:

$request->setUrl('http://domain.tld'); // static

Note that when the URL is changed, the Host header will be as well.

Request Protocol

With the Request object instantiated, it is possible to set the desired HTTP protocol, through a string or a constant of the Protocol class:

use Framework\HTTP\Protocol;

$request->setProtocol('HTTP/2'); // static
$request->setProtocol(Protocol::HTTP_2); // static

Request Method

By default, the request method is GET. And, it can be changed through the setMethod method, passing a string or a constant from the Method class:

use Framework\HTTP\Method;

$request->setMethod('post'); // static
$request->setMethod(Method::POST); // static

Request Headers

Headers can be passed via the header set methods.

Below we see an example using string and a constant of the RequestHeader class:

use Framework\HTTP\RequestHeader;

$request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); // static
$request->setHeader(RequestHeader::CONTENT_TYPE, 'application/json'); // static

To set the Content-Type it is possible to use a method for this:

$request->setContentType('application/json'); // static


When the request has the Content-Type as application/json and the body is a JSON string, it is possible to set the header and the body at once using the setJson method:

$request->setJson($data); // static


When working with APIs it is very common that a username and password (or token) is required to perform authorization.

To set Authorization as Basic, just use the setBasicAuth method:

$username = 'johndoe';
$password = 'secr3t';
$request->setBasicAuth($username, $password); // static

To set Authorization as Bearer, just use the setBearerAuth method:

$token = 'abc123';
$request->setBearerAuth($token); // static


The default User-Agent can be set by calling the setUserAgent method and it is also possible to pass a name to it:

$request->setUserAgent(); // static
$request->setUserAgent('Aplus HTTP Client'); // static


Cookies can be set by the setCookie method:

use Framework\HTTP\Cookie;

$cookie = new Cookie('session_id', 'abc123');
$request->setCookie($cookie); // static

Post Forms

To send data as a form you can set an array with fields and values using the setPost method:

    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
]); // static

Request with Upload

You can upload files with the setFiles method.

In it, you set the name of the array keys as field names and the values can be the path to a file, an instance of CURLFile or CURLStringFile:

    'invoices' => [
        __DIR__ . '/foo/invoice-10001.pdf',
        __DIR__ . '/foo/invoice-10002.pdf',
    'foo' => new CURLStringFile('foo', 'foo.txt', 'text/plain')
]); // static

Request to Download

When making requests to download files, define a callback in the setDownloadFunction method, with the first parameter receiving the data chunk:

$request->setDownloadFunction(function (string $data) {
    file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/video.mp4', $data, FILE_APPEND);
}); // static

A simpler way is to use the setDownloadFile function, which requires the file path in the first parameter and allows you to overwrite the file in the second parameter:

$request->setDownloadFile(__DIR__ . '/video.mp4'); // static

Note that when these functions are set the Response body will be set as an empty string.


The HTTP client is capable of performing synchronous and asynchronous requests.

Let's see how to instantiate it:

use Framework\HTTP\Client\Client;

$client = new Client();

Synchronous Requests

A request can be made by passing a Request instance in the run method, which will return a Response or throw an Framework\HTTP\Client\RequestException if it fails:

$response = $client->run($request); // Framework\HTTP\Client\Response

If you call the Request's setGetInfo method, it will be possible to obtain information from Curl through the exception's getInfo method:


try {
    $response = $client->run($request); // Framework\HTTP\Client\Response
} catch (Framework\HTTP\Client\RequestException $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage(); // string
    var_dump($exception->getInfo()); // array

Asynchronous Requests

To perform asynchronous requests use the runMulti method, passing an array with request identifiers as keys and Requests as values.

The runMulti method will return a Generator with the request id in the key and a Response, or Response Error, instance as a value.

Responses will be delivered as requests are finalized:

use Framework\HTTP\Client\Client;
use Framework\HTTP\Client\Request;
use Framework\HTTP\Client\ResponseError;

$client = new Client();

$requests = [
    1 => new Request('https://aplus-framework.com'),
    2 => new Request('https://aplus-framework.tld'),

foreach($client->runMulti($requests) as $id => $response) {
    if ($response instanceof ResponseError) {
        echo "Request $id has error: ";
        echo $response->getError() . '.<br>';
    echo "Request $id responded:";
    echo '<pre>' . htmlentities((string) $response) . '</pre>';

In the run method, the Framework\HTTP\Client\RequestException exception is thrown if the connection fails. On the other hand, the runMulti method does not throw exceptions so that requests are not interrupted.

To find out if a request failed, perform a check similar to the code example above.


After running a Request in the Client, it may return an instance of the Response class.

Response Protocol

With it it is possible to obtain the protocol:

$protocol = $response->getProtocol(); // string

Response Status

Also, you can get the response status:

$response->getStatusCode(); // int
$response->getStatusReason(); // string
$response->getStatus(); // string

Response Headers

It is also possible to get all headers at once:

$headers = $response->getHeaders(); // array

Or, get the headers individually:

use Framework\HTTP\ResponseHeader;

$response->getHeader('Content-Type'); // string or null
$response->getHeader(ResponseHeader::CONTENT_TYPE); // string or null

Response Body

The message body, when set, can be obtained with the getBody method:

$body = $response->getBody(); // string

JSON Response

Also, you can check if the response content type is JSON and get the JSON data as an object or array in PHP:

if ($response->isJson()) {
    $data = $response->getJson(); // object, array or false

Response Error

The Framework\HTTP\Client\ResponseError class is used when there is an error on the connection.

With it is possible to obtain the instance of the Request that ran it with the getRequest method and the error with the getError method.

If the Request is getting info, it is possible to obtain more information with the getInfo method.


Aplus HTTP Client Library is an easy-to-use tool for, beginners and experienced, PHP developers.
It is perfect for building, simple and full-featured, HTTP interactions.
The more you use it, the more you will learn.

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